Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How a Blog Is Like a Dog

This past weekend we were visiting some acquaintances who have a dog. Bruno. Wonderful guy. German Shepherd mix. Getting on in age. But still engaged, active, affectionate.

The kind of dog who waits patiently (okay, maybe a whine or two) for table scraps, jumps up on the couch with you, writhes when you rub his belly. The kind of dog who barks when you leave... leading you to believe that you'll be missed. A lovable dog. The ideal dog.

Keep in mind: I don't have a dog (I was about to say "own" but that's equating pets with property). All my life, it's been cats. But I still consider myself a dog person. I like dogs. I tend to bond quickly with them (though I've had a few unnerving experiences with strays).

As I pondered what topic I should write about for today's entry, my mind drifted to Bruno. I began thinking how much a blog is like a dog:
  • You're responsible for it.
  • You'll be judged by its behavior (you don't want to be labeled a "bad dog").
  • You need to walk it (read "post") regularly.
  • It's easier to visit someone else's than to have one of your own.
  • You can learn from it.
  • You can confide in it.
  • It can provide you with years of comfort and enjoyment.
Admittedly, blogs may have a few advantages over their canine counterparts. A blog won't climb in bed with you. A blog can't get fleas. And a blog doesn't slobber.

1 comment:

  1. Terse, but on target and witty. You've got a recognizable (online) voice. Yazoo!
